Archive for February, 2014

The Switch
Dear future 6th grader, middle school isn’t as scary as it seems. Although the work is more challenging, your not top dogs anymore, and you don’t move as a class all the time, it’s not that bad. Well that sounded pretty bad, but it’s okay. There’s nothing to worry about.

The teachers expect a lot out of you and your work has to be good quality all the time. Yes, ALL THE TIME. LEAP(ELA), electives, and your core classes are serious grades. You can take it as some kind of joke. I’ve learned from past experiences. It’s pretty easy as you go along and explore…. Middle School. Not all of it will be hard work, you also have fun in your classes and you’ll have lots of freedom. Freedom also means more responsibility. Responsibility means that you will take care of your iPad, homework, and yourself. I know that you don’t seem that important, but you are. People judge you by the way you carry yourself. If you are always ” beating yourself up’ everyone will think that you are a weak individual and no one wants to be that. That’s why it’s a good idea to have friends that’ll support you through thick and thin.

Friends aren’t that big of a deal but you do need a few to have a laugh and talk to when your going through stuff. DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT be that person that bullies people because they don’t have as many friends or followers on Instagram as you. I can’t stand bullies. They are weak-minded, rude, and idiotic people. You wouldn’t want to be that person, now would you?

Anyway, middle isn’t that bad. You don’t have recess, but you don’t need it. There’s plenty of time to spend time with your friends and play on your iPad. Just don’t forget that your in school and you have homework and actual WORK to do. I know thats crazy, but its reality, kid.

Drew Walker